Main Facilities
CEMACS is equipped with facilities such as teaching laboratory; wet laboratory; hatcheries for breeding of fish and other marine organisms; laboratories for phytoplankton; microbiology and media preparation. Most of the laboratories are supplied with high quality sea water, compressed air, standard laboratory equipments as well as computer facilities. These are particularly suited for studies on larval biology and seed production, experimental ecophysiology and ecotoxicology studies and mariculture.
CEMACS laboratories are well equipped with scientific equipments including various microscope systems; field equipments include fluorometer, echo sounder, water quality analysis instruments, current meter and global positioning system. For underwater research, the centre has several SCUBA diving equipments.
CEMACS has several boats for transportation and research purposes.
CEMACS has an extensive Marine Reference Collection and Museum with specimens comprising of mollusk, gorgonians, corals, echinoderms, fishes, crustaceans and herbarium collection of flora and fauna around the region. It is well organized with coastal/marine organisms and marine/mangrove herbarium. The re-establishment task of reference collection and museum unit has been initiated since May, 2011 which includes re-labelling, tagging and changing of preservatives for stored specimens, information boards & poster printing (taxonomy, species, distribution) for display, and online database development.
Specimens collected and processed (December 2013)
Hard coral (dry specimens) - 1,045 | Soft coral (wet specimens) - 396 | Molluscs (dry shell) - 968 |
Molluscs (wet specimens) - 142 | Nudibranch (wet specimens) - 76 | Sea cucumber (wet specimens) - 80 |
Starfish (dry specimens) - 36 | Crab (wet specimens) - 65 | Crab (dry specimens) - 25 |
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